Friday 7 December 2007

Out of DVDs, prepaid gone, TV shows getting duller and duller & internets too. All i do is blog, friendster-ing & chatting in MSN. What more to life? How i wish i could do some watergames. Maybe wakeboarding? Diving? Like what i did years back in Tioman Island. Trust me, i was still a kid then. The fishes are colourful, but i was scared of the fishes. If you don't hear it right, once again, i repeat. YES! THE FISHES. The which-i-find-it-cute-now-but-not-then fishes. When i went in the ocean, firstly it was cold. Secondly, when you dip yourself in the ocean, the fishes starts crowding around you(!!!!!!). Darn, yeah i cried [don't laugh]. How i wish i could go to Tioman back, but its monsoon season now. Maybe Langkawi is okay too? Haha, just came back from Indonesia and want to go holiday again huh? -haha. But trust me! Indonesia's climate is [space] WARM! / HOT!. You'll feel like you're on hard burning charcoal and if you want to walk comfortably, you better blindfold the pakcik-pakcik's eyes cos some may even look at your [you know what]. One time, Fiza and i, were walking to the mall entrance when she saw the security guard[yeah, the security guard], looked at the minah indonesia's butt. He was focusing. Okay its disgusting. On the spot, me and fizah feel like wrapping plastic bags around our hips(!!!!). Its pathetic, i know.
Labels: practically lame
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