Outing with Bestfriends.

So on the 26 December, went out with bestfriends. Wanted to buy Amera's schoolbag at Whitesands and some school stuff. At white sands mcdonalds, me & natasha saw Hidayat. Our long-lost bestfriend. Tapi sayang Hafiz takde! Then all the memories of both Hafiz & Hidayat came back. We can still remember we used to throw paperballs at each other in class. Write letters during lessons. Laugh a loud when Hidayat & Hafiz joke around. & the bestest moment was when they defended us from that good-for-nothing prefect girl. Hahaha.
Eh kawan! Now then i realise, kite sume laen2 skola ehk! Aisyah from Junyuan; Natasha from Tampines;Amera from St. Hilda;Me from Springfield! Haha. Ok aku merepek. Continue - Then after whitesands we go Pasir Ris Park. Enter from the back entrance. & it was damn creepy lah okay! Kiri Kanan forest. Then as we walked happily, natasha suddenly scream followed by Aisyah & Amera. When i turn, ade apek lah. Korg ni buat apek tu terkejot je! Dah lah nak dkat maghrib! Haha. Then we camwhored outside magrove. Amera wanted to masok the mangrove. Best ar english aku. Okay, bile dah masok, i was at the side lah okay! Tepi aku sume pokok! Then beside me was Natasha followed by Amera & Aisyah. Bile masok je, we started walking and talking. When i realise muke Natasha pucat. So, to avoid any faintings, we went out. Then i decided not to go inside again. Then Amera insisted to go. Aisyah too. Natasha pulak was ready to go inside again. So we went in again. This time kite jalan bersepah! Natasha jalan dulu oi ! Then me.. Then Aisyah and Amera.. So i catched up with Natasha. & kite jalan mcm biase masok ke dalam.. We talk heaps! Haha. She kept on looking straight while i was like talking to her facing the trees. Aisyah & Amera pon pat blkg nga mengumpat pasal si budak ''tu''. Don't ask who. Haha- then as we walked deeper, 'things' started to disturb us. I sense someone was following us on the side. But i just kept quiet. Then the owl start to hoot. as we walk deeper, the louder. So i can't stand the thing and i told me and natasha wanted to go out. If they want to continue, they shall. but they followed us. So we turned back. PHEW!!
& yesterday, went out with them again. Except for Amera. First, me and aisyah meet up. We went to Tampines Mall & Century Square. Bought stationeries. Then around 7 met Natasha at mcd. She just finish her CCA, you see. The we talk2, then go home. Haha. Penat lah nak type. More info, go and see Aisyah's blog.
& to syafiq & sadiq . goodlah both of you got into the same ITE & Course. Hope your friendship last forever okay! (:
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