
I can't wait for cousin's upcoming engagement! After all these years, finally someone's getting engaged. & then it's gonna be the guys turn at the end of the year(: School's such a bore just now. Did the malay project and to make it worse, Najib & Dianah didn't come -__-"
Okay so then got back Physics paper. I flung-ed it ): F baby. Then i'm expecting an F for CS practical too, i send my website to teacher without checking if the hyperlink works! Darn, and in the end, it didn't work. Oh god. How more worst can it be.
I got no mood, i feel like sleeping & eating. Watching The Eye with sis tmrw and then off to her friend's birthday party. I so effing love birthday parties cause of the cake. & maybe the goodie bag? I still keep the Taufik Batisah's goodie bag okay! Especially the water bottle.
Ok da i hungry and sleepy. Will post again sooner or later. Chow babe.
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