Today in school

Today i had a very fun time with my class!(: Especially during English. We all sat in a circle and then Ms Seah passed around a tongue-twister. After every 10th person, she would give a different sentence/ so mine was the first 10. The 2nd 10 of people was so hell funny! Wee Kiat started the ball rolling and it ended with Jackson.
Ms Seah: So Jackson what was the sentence that was passed around?
Jackson: Err, How many wood would a wood chuck Chow CB.
Ms Seah: *shocked+angry*
Next was Syahmi. The sentence was 'Do you know why teenagers go to McDonalds?'. And it ended with Yazid.
Yazid: 'CHER! Why black?
Ms Seah: BLACK? Huh? What was the sentence Yazid?
Yazid: Do you know why black people go to McDonalds?
Everyone was like laughing their wits out. Some were even rolling on the floor. HAHA!
And then we were having so much fun we didn't realise one period had gone. and it was time for CS. Well, we had a test for CS. The duration is 1 and a half hour. It was a 50-50 paper for me. I only know certain definitions and the questions that i confidently answered was the ones that needs a logical-thinking kind(or straightforward). I'm gonna flung it.(: Having Bedok Reservoir run tomorrow and i was planning to walk all the way but apparently, my name was in the competitor's list so i had to run. (But i don't think i should). Whatever.
Labels: If onyl you were there with me
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