i drank milk & thats why..
.....i walked past, i saw your charming smile and i won't mind going back five more footsteps to see it again.

Then, it was math. I was excited for it, i just don't know why. Number one, it could be due to the hyperness i still have in my body or probably, number two, i'm starting to love math?gosh.
Then, English for two periods; i still can't get rid of the hyperness. ........came computer studies. Sat infront of the computer, taking down notes and i suddenly felt restless. Distractions starts bringing me away, i decorated my notes with 'Shahira Yo', 'Page one yo :D' and 'Page two okay :D' (lol). Okay, so then it was printing time! Looked at my printer, and there were no papers, so teacher asked me to get it from the small room located at the left hand side of the computer lab. I knocked... and knocked, but nobody answered (Dianah was beside me). Then i shout across the room to teacher/-
Me: Mr Lim! After knock must open ah?
Mr Lim: HAHA. Yalah, then what?
Dianah: -_____-"
and so, i turned to open the door but was shocked by the big tall new teacher i don't really know. he looks so fierce, sheesh.
New Teacher: Yes?
Me: Can i have a piece of paper?
New Teacher: ..................
Me: I mean, can i have some pieces of paper for printing?
New Teacher: Ohh okaeokae.
Mr Lim: (took the paper), next time must smile *widesmile*
New Teacher: *whatever-look*
HAHA! It was funny lah that time. and then Hafiz farted.
Ashraf: 'Cher! Hafiz fart! eeeee! CHER! Hafiz fart.
Mr Lim: ....................................
Ashraf: Hafiz fart 'cher!
Mr Lim: ...................................
Ashraf: 'Cher! Hafiz farted!
Mr Lim: Then what you want me to do? Bring him out and ask him to fart outside again? *laugh*
Hafiz: I never farted sehh.
[farted ehk.] nyahahaharrr!
Overall, it was kinda funny.
Except for the afternoon whereby someone twisted some story and tell tales.
......i still don't get what you really want girl.
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