Currently, chatting with Yan. I really feel great whenever my friends are happy. Last long with her alright? [:
Went to Natasha's crib, and studied. Gave her belated birthday present.
"Best friends share lipsticks, troubles, chocolates,good times, bad times. Best friends go shopping together right after a fight. Best friends do the stupidest things together."
I'm so lucky to have friends like Natasha & Aisyah.
Rara cinta Tata & Sya.
Then met mum, cik yaya, nurul & amira and took 67 to geylang. There's this weird pervert-looking guy that sat beside Amira and kept on looking at us. We did feel disturbed. :S
Reached Geylang, went our separate ways and me and mum went Lily Boutique to send my after-raya clothes. Break fast(i don't), at Hjh Maemunah with Aunts, Fizah, Hilman and Hilmi. Thanks hilmi for saying all those dirty things while we were eating =.=!
After that went walking around geylang. Fizah was being i-dunno-how-to-describe }
Fizah: Eh that baju lawa lah. Sha, go look ah.
Me: Nah, too exposed! :P
Fizah: =.='
Walk, walk, walk.
Mum: Sha! Baju tu lawa. Nak try tak?
And before i could answer.
Fizah: Takleh, just now die kater too exposed. *evil smile*
She always take my words seriously. [:
now... i would like to wish my Primary 1 & 2 classmate and also currently my schoolmate,
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