The Camp

Talking with my ex-form teacher, Mdm Zubaidah, in the car was super-fun! For the first time i heard her sing. xD
Talking with my ex-form teacher, Mdm Zubaidah, in the car was super-fun! For the first time i heard her sing. xD
Currently doing Physics via E-Learning. Mother Tounge is 'free period'. (: It just so happen that i passed my Chemistry & Biology Quizzes(just now) with a mark of 14/20 & 8/10 respectively. It's not that great but who cares. I just hate the topic on Structures of Atoms for Chemistry. and we had to do a self-study through powerpoint slides Ms Annisa gave us. So yeah, atleast i passed. Folks, i'll try to make myself interested in that topic. xD
Labels: i miss you
Weekend was a blast(: Saturday & Sunday we went out shopping. & it was hell fun sia! xD I bought heaps of stuffs! From top to toe babe.
Then, on Sunday i bought:
I think that's about all. Tmrw have e-learning thus, stay at home do work through internet. The following day till Friday would be Camp! I miss my cute little instructor lah seh! and it's going to be iSHINE again! somehow i got the feeling we're not gonna rockclimb again. & my camping bag is effing huge! and a small girl is gonna carry it to school this wednesday:D
Labels: Camp
I'm sick & yet i have a tight schedule. What can be more worst.
You see, it's so tiring. What more, i'm down with a fever. I miss Aisyah. I miss Natasha. I miss 2G. I miss the jokes. I miss Mrs Raj. I miss Mdm Zubaidah. I miss the visits Principal gave us when we made a lot of noise. Overall, i miss everyone in 2G! :( This is so torturing.
Labels: darn
Saw the SN KENA DISTURBED WHILE PLAYING DUELMASTERS at youtube. Thanks Brendan, for telling. Kinda funny. lols. Poor thing Melvin. In 2G, got disturbed. In 3H, also the same. I don't know about the rest of the coming years after Sec 4, so Thursday's the results of O's. Goodluck friends. (:
Labels: tired
Yesterday went out to Terminal 3 with Hilman, Fizah, Mum, Chik and Nenek(:
MCS meeting is okay lah.ahaha,kesian aku tgk korang kene lari sane sini ehk!kesiannnnnnnnn-wakakakakakkahh!
Not schooling today, sick. ofcourse.
Labels: impatient oi
Right now, i need this. BUT if only i got Distinction for Maths. That's my aim. To get this darling, i have to work hard.
Isn't it a beauty ? GOOOOSSSSSSHHH.
Labels: i need it badly.
i MISS my friends so mucccccchhhhhhhhh! sobs*
& then.. God knows if they want to migrate or not..
To tell you the truth, i don't wanna migrate. I just love Singapore. & my friends.
Sec Three camp this 30th Jan till 1st Feb. 3Days 2Nights. I'm loving it(badapapapapa!)
MCS meeting tmrw !! 3:30 to 4:30. GAMES! GAMES GAMES! Welcome to Malay Cultural Society SEC Ones!!! Its gonna be a whole lot of gila fun !
Good Idea ah ehk Wilson !! Hahaha. Kekek sak. They are all jokers.
Psst. If you realise, my idea was taken from East Spring Pri. And Aliff's idea was taken from Tampines North Pri and both are my primary school! like cool kan!
School is a complete mess today! Had Social Studies, apparently we did nothing. Then had 2periods of Biology. Did a test then continue on the chapter. I was freaking pissed off okay! I thought need to study the labelling and i go and study like shit yesterday on the cells and at last Ms Tay only test us on Plant Cell and she even gave the spelling! WTH/ Then i go and memorise the spelling! Waste my time only. & today's biology lesson was a mess, too. I didn't understand anything about DNA. It's all mixed up. and i don't know what's the difference between Chromatin and duno what's the other name.
Labels: BORED
So, it's been a long time since i update. Let's start with Last Thursday, on the 3rd of January. Had 5 periods of Biology with Ms Tay at the lab. Was separated from Dianah for 2½ hours. The lesson was okay. We studied about cells. Apparently Yazid spelled Gogli Apparatus wrongly and it turned out to be Gigolo Apparatus. & when Ms Tay said that it's wrong, he insisted on saying that it's correct. Whole class was laughing. and 5periods of Pure Biology gone just like that. Was released at 10.35[25 minutes earlier for break]. Went down to the canteen with Mira. Recess, just gone like that too. Then had E Maths with Mr Lee and then 2 periods of Chemistry with MDM Annisa[she got married w/o telling us! Her science students for nearly 3years!]. Then had MT last period but skipped it. Due to the pathetic meeting we had on that day. Seriously it was pathetic. Sat there till 2.20 and did nothing. Should have gone to MT Class and waste no time.
On the 31st of December, went to Countdown. It was a blast! Marina Bay was packed with humans. & the fireworks were just as awesome.