
I've bought a new sketchbook (: TWO new ones. How effing in love i am with drawing, sketching. Watching The Eye(Jess. Alba!) with sister this Saturday. & shiet, i've not done the design yet/ i've got no time. I have to postpone it then. So sorry.
Labels: More Than Words.
Currently, am having an urge to strangle Asri. -.-'
Things to do today:
Ohh i've got not-so-great news. Not-so okay, bear that in mind. I got 2nd highest for both my EL&Literature Class test! With a difference of one mark away from the highest. ((:
Aisyah-ling! May your friendship with him lasts long!:D & aisyah tak baek ehh, kasi die chocolates then never gimme! boohoo. Well anyway have you people read yesterday's Berita Harian&Straits Times? Memang padan muke! hahahahahaha. Puas hati aku ktawe. Only certain people would know why i'm satisfied. & the husband nye name kan kan kan is Mr Ali Kasmadi.
Fuyyooohhh! :DDDDDDDDDDD
Oh c'mon. I predict Kas will say: $U@R! hee.
Last Saturday went to Malaysia with family to shop for clothes to wear this March Hols when we're going HongKong. Uncle & family are following us.
So that means Qistina is gonna be there, too :DD There's just one thing i couldn't wait to go and that is the disneyland. Yup, yup. We're going to the Disneyland on the 2nd day. I hope my darling Chip and Dale are gonna be there. I'm definitely bringing my two chip and dale teddys that mom and syafiq gave me and also wearing my chip and dale shirt and my chip and dale purse! Look how dedicated i am to Chip and Dale? [: No one can take my Chippy and Daley away from me or i'll punchkickpullslappush you. ^__^"
Winnnnnnnnnnnyyyyyyy, when are we gonna have our DisneyCasts BBQ? ): How much i miss filming. I suddenly miss having someone to make-up for me, someone who wipes my sweat with a tissue if it's a hot, sunny day. Someone who directs me to do something. & also i miss James saying 'ACTION!'. arghhhs, also getting to know the producers and stuff. grrrrrrrrrrrrs.
Labels: disney baby
Okay, i don't know what made me write this post/ maybe i wanted to but i forgot cause maybe it's hidden somewhere in the bottom of my heart and was never found for a whole 2years+ until today, 16 February 2008.
Labels: MISSES
How i wish everyday's a valentine's day! ok, dah merepek.
Labels: Love y'all.
Handphone's ringing,
Today school was just as normal. Kaori was selected for the understudy. (: & as per normal, Ras wanted us to realise that we broke some rules but he told us by beating around the bush. I was like 'damn, be straightforward'. -.- Ohwell, forget about it. SS was okay, Biology was confusing but manageable. & Literature, we slacked due to the misbehaviour of 3H towards the teacher. Had study programme today for Elective(Literature). But during assembly, principal lectured the Sec3EXP/NA so,i ended up skipping lunch. During study programme, did Lit Test. There were alot of answers to be written but we were only given less than an hour to finish. -.-'
I don't know why, but i just feel like my life now is being controlled. By the school. Everything changes as i step into SecThree. Study programmes, Projects, Assignments...Everything is like 12345678910times harder than sec2 work! & i hate it most when teachers think highly of us as express students. They tend to push us very very very hard by (as what most of you might know) , nagging. & everything now is compulsory! Physics extra lessons, Study programme..]: & when i'm at school, i tend to look at the clock on the wall of the class waiting for the small hand of the clock to touch 4 and the big hand to touch the 2. (That makes it 2.20PM). but that is not all. Last Tuesday, for maths- we had to stay 'till 2.40. It really freaks me out when teachers says 'You all can't go home till any of your friend i'm gonna call get to answer my question' & we all will start to explain and explain and explain to the othr students. It's so tiring. and when i stepped out of the school, almost nothing could make me want to go back into that school and almost often that i feel bus 34 calls me to board it. Ohh and i could feel the delightness in me once i stepped in the house. {How good does it feel!}
Labels: come faster., Please friday
Met girlfriend-Aisyah, girlfriend-Natasha & girlfriend-Syafiqah today. (: We decided to just chit-chat under Aisyah's void deck cause' Syafiqah&Aisyah gt madrasah at 3:30 and i have to go somewhere aft that but Natasha got the wrong idea & wore nice-nice clothings. Then she just can't possibly go home & change so she called her friend & decided to go for baking lessons after slacking. Ohh & as we were talking and talking and talking, *grumble grumble* goes the sound coming from mine & natasha's stomach. So we headed for Tampines Mart McD. As we were ordering our food, we saw our ex classmate, YULLIANA! She's working there, hehhehehe. & then saw a springfielder there too. Yeah, so then aft having a meal, Syafiqa&Aisyah had to go off for madrasah so Natasha followed them cause she's going Fatan's house. & i headed to Sis house, the one near Syafiq's house. Yeah, & as i was chatting in MSN my sister asked me:
Sentosa was a blast, really!Went to Palawan Beach,played some games. & there alot of bangladesh! haha. My cousins were playing football & then, the ball went into the sea. ): So sad. & it fell around a No Diving area so they were unable to retrieve the ball. Well, anyways, that was the sad part. But after that we played a lot of games! & they were freakingly awesome(: Volleyball was the best. Even tho' my leg was hurt cause the sand is so bloody rough & i'm sunburnt. i'm blacker now. a bit. Hee(: Then just nw cousin, me & family went to Istana. Lemme tell you the truth, in my whole 14 years and 2months of living in this world, i've never visited the Istana before. So we went there, & the security is so tight. (: Walked all the way up to the main building. It was so hot & we were perspiring -.-" Even before we reach the main building, me & fizah's stomach is grumbling. Then when we reached the REAL BUILDING, wewere like so thankful that we're then in an air-conditioned room. When we were in the meeting room,i swear the guard there is so freakingly cute!(: Just love the eyes, hehe. After that went to Plaza Singapura and ate at Long John's, & there was a group of hooligans who just thought that that place is theirs. They made alot of noise & even destroyed the Bell. You know LJS always have this 'IF WE DID WELL, RING THE BELL' thingy? Yeah. I just don't get this people-.-" Then hang out at Aunt's house. So now, the plan for tmrw is to meet my darling aisyah & off to sis's house till mum comes back from the wedding at Batu Pahat.
Today is a fun+sleepy+suay day. Fun, during like morning, & maths. Sleepy, the rest of the day & suay aft school ! -.-" Don't ask me. I don't wish to talk about it. Toooo SUAY! ):
Labels: Random.
Currently watching Final Destination 2.