Birthday Girl
Labels: LADYindigo.
Labels: HyperActive
na-neun shahira im-ni-da ! na-nuen hak-saeng im-ni-da.
Labels: Mind my language
Labels: Funs
I've got nothing to say. In fact, i'm in no mood to even blog but i'll just do it.
Just came back from suntec. Yesterday slept over at sis's house. Was supposed to go out studying with Kas but i didn't bring along my books! Confident aku ckp aku nak sms die pagy2 buta!, but ended up die sms aku dulu. PAISEH NYE! hahahha. Then watched Kelakar Rabak. It was hell funny 'hindustan npk!hindustan npk!' hahaha. si extra tu, ade2 je[: Ate medicine then was about to fall asleep when family planned to head to Suntec for the Levi's Sale. {Lazy to elaborate}/ Bought Fizah a Perlini's Sliver necklace for her birthday tmrw. Then headed home. Wah piang eh. Tired. Da ah, medicine's still inside my body. So i wanna sleep now. Bye.
Labels: Just wave and smile
Its 10.45pm and i just reached home from National Stadium to watch SYF Military Band competition(: I lost my voice. WHY?Due to our shouts to springfield band. x__x" We were like shouting and shouting. You know, the girl's shout. Loud right. Didn't realise the band members could actually hear us. HAHA. What a shout girls. Well anyway, Springfield got Bronze and c'mon guys, you did great! Met Natasha at the stadium and like omg, i miss her like hell!! ;D Well anyway, just don't cry right people. You'll always have our support![: &just now, the ex-bowen was super-rude and i stared at them. HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT TO MY FRIEND AND YOU'LL RECEIVE A GOOD STARE FROM ME! Hahahaha. You think you guy i scared ah. I got the whole lot of springfielders okay. (: After performance, went Afghan's McD, ate late-dinner and went sister's house. About yesterday, family didn't really went for dinner. We bought durians and sat by Changi Beach 'till 12 midnight and then sat in the car, listening to Misteri Jam 12 and rounding rounding around Changi. It was fun darlings. (: Ah okay dah ngantok. Penat ah beb! Bye.
Labels: Today fun lah
Labels: Bedok Reservoir postponed
Labels: If onyl you were there with me
I'm currently addicted to SIMS 2 in PSP. Last Saturday, visited Aunt's house to see how's Uncle doing and then was shocked to see her having 2 PSPs. Hilman & Fizah respectively took one. & then Aunt downloaded SIMS 2 in my PSP and then all three of us were sitted comfortably on the sofa in a line, playing SIMS 2. Even though the smell of the freshly arrived KFC Chicken is on the table directly in front of us, we rather concentrated on the PSP. The adults were watching Hill-Man so they don't really care whereas for the toddlers, they were sitting on their cute little small chairs talking to each other in their own language. So, the house was super-noisy with the 'oohs' and the 'aaahs' coming from the adults and 'ohmygod' and 'shit!i went insane' from us, playing the psp and the 'gooogooogaaaagaaas' from the toddlers. I am so missing Aisyah, Natasha, SHAWN!(see Shawn, i wrote your name in capitals cause i remembered i chatted with you 2days ago), and many more of my true friends. Apart from that, it's been a long time since cousins hanged out. I'm already missing the days we went for a midnight movie and sat in McDonalds 'till 5am. I'm also missing my Disney friends especially Winny and last but not least, i miss Harneet & Harmeen so much ever since they moved to Australia! ];
Currently i'm biology-ing. I know the word doesn't exist but just take it as a short form for doing Biology(: Study programme was cancelled today. & prolly not going sch tmrw as i'm having throat infection.(it's sudden) i've got no mood to even talk, i guess its too obvious. I need my sketchbook, my pencil and coloured pens to just ''scribble'' down my emotions.
Labels: i just need you here
School was as normal today. I would like to wish Adam & Dianah, Happy 1st Month Anniversary! [: Well, today Hafiz & Bei Hao got BETA Form from Ms Hamidah cause Miss Hamidah took Hafiz's water bottle away and Hafiz cursed the teacher. Bei Hao then spitted at Brendan. Haha, it was hell funny. ;P
School was ever awesome today. For the first time i was so semangat to learn maths and slacked during Mother Tongue cause teacher was absent. The girls were actually folding paper hearts quietly in the corner of the Mother Tongue room and the boys are so semangat, learning peribahasa and at the same time flirting eh with cikgu hidayah. ahahhaa.